Thursday, July 23, 2009

Studio painter

I really admire plein air painters for their ability to focus during outings and the scenery in this region provides all kinds of opportunities for artists to produce a wide variety of outstanding work. Lots of Plein air groups have sprouted up recently and offer artists a chance to meet other kindred spirits who enjoy painting out doors. The experiences of painting on site infuse work with an honesty that sometimes can't be achieved in the studio. It hones ones abilities of observation just as life drawing does. Dragging art equipment on site, fighting insects, the wind, rain, cold or heat, adds more drama and time than I can manage. I've painted plein air a few times and have to's not for me. I'll stick with my camera for memory references for the time being. The comfort and convenience of the studio provides a place where I can focus completely on my work. (there are enough distractions right now). The studio is a place where I can get into "the zone"....which is solitary and peaceful(not to be confused with lonely), kind of like meditation. When I'm painting everything else is far away.... I believe the sole objective for each artist isn't just a finished work, it's also the individual experience it takes to get there...the journey is just as important and just as individual for each artist. Here are a few photos from a recent drive my husband and I took to a favorite place along the coast not far from here. These will be used for future work. We love this area...fairly lacking in the usual summer traffic.. a real gem.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head....

I can hear the rain pounding on our roof for the umpteenth time in the past ten days but it won't dampen my spirits because of some very exciting news ..Unfortunately I can't share it with you yet.
I needed a break from the studio and other work, so we took a day trip to a favorite location called Evan's Notch. Its in the foothills of the White Mountains and borders New Hampshire. Route 113 winds back and forth from the northern entrance in Gilead then south to Fryeburg. Part of the road hugs the Saco and Androscoggin Rivers, both of which under normal weather conditions run peacefully through the notch. Not so this year! The torrential rains have swollen the rivers into raging and roiling white water in many areas and low lying regions are in flood danger. We stopped to take photos about half way down and the sound of the rushing water was deafening. On the opposite side of the road waterfalls poured over steep ledges running across the road in some places. Today this part of the National Park looked like a veritable rain forest with lush green undergrowth and trees filling every available space.
When the sun finally does make an appearance(and it will) it will be a glorious sight.
Stay tuned for a posting of a new large painting and an the mean time..let it rain..